The Board of Governance is responsible for the oversight of London Professional Academy (LPA) subject to the ultimate authority of the Director. It is the Board’s responsibility to bring independent judgement and advise the Principal and the Senior Management Team (SMT) to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standards of conduct.
Members of the Board are drawn from business, professional, public sector and community backgrounds. They bring a range of skills, expertise and experience to the boardroom. The Board works as a team to determine the strategy and future direction of LPA, and its responsibilities are to:
- Determine and periodically review the educational character and mission of LPA and oversee its activities
- Approve LPA’s quality strategy
- Ensure the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of LPA and to safeguard assets
- Approve the annual estimates of income and expenditure
Appoint senior post holders and determine a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all staff. The Board play a key role in the ongoing development and direction of LPA. Board members have adopted LPA’s principles of public life in carrying out these responsibilities and is committed to open and transparent governance.
The Board has Executive and Non-Executive Governors. The Executive members are the Principal and SMT. The Non-Executive members are the Representatives of Student and Regulatory Committees.
The Board seeks to ensure that LPA is well-managed and delivering quality education in accordance with the expectations of students, awarding organisations, the Quality Assurance Agency, and statutory bodies.
The Governing Body is provided with regular and timely information on the overall financial performance of LPA together with other information such as performance against funding targets, proposed capital expenditure, quality matters and personnel related matters such as health and safety and environmental issues.
The Governing Body receives reports from the Principal and its own committees. The key responsibilities of the Governing Body are:
· to determine the educational character and Mission of LPA and to ensure LPA management is fulfilling the mission
· to ensure the solvency of LPA and the safeguarding of its assets
· to approve the annual estimates of income and expenditure
· to oversee the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and the determination of the pay and conditions of senior post holders the Principal and SMT
· to set a framework for the pay and conditions of service for all staff
The Academic Board (AB) is the principal academic body of LPA and is ultimately responsible for its local regulatory frameworks, policies and procedures, as well as for the management of academic standards and quality.
The Academic Board aims to meet the expectations of LPA’s external stakeholders, more especially in relation to the quality of the student experience and the academic standards of the programmes taught.
The Academic Board has SEVEN committees reporting to it:
- Programme Committees
- Quality and Standard Committee
- Ethics Committee
- Student Representatives Committee
- Regulatory Committee comprised of:
- Equality and Diversity Committee
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Advisory Group (BAME)
- Health & Safety
- Safeguarding
- Data Protection
- Climate & Sustainability
- Career Advice and Support Committee
- Planning and Resource Committee.
The Academic Board reports to the Board of Governance.
Programme Committee is formed for each programme LPA delivers. The Programme Committees report to the Academic Board and are responsible for managing the day-to-day academic quality and standards of the programmes, and for ensuring effective engagement with students on programme-related matters. It is advisory to the Course Leader(s) and subject leaders for the general operation and management of one or all courses in its subject area. The committee is also responsible for overseeing all assessment decisions and awards at LPA including the consideration of requirements for re-submissions and re-sits. Furthermore, the purpose of the committee is also to review the students’ academic performance to make progression decisions.
Quality and Standards Committee is responsible for ensuring that the LPA’s quality assurance systems meet the expectations of the UK Quality Code, awarding bodies, students and other internal and external stakeholders. The committee reports to the Academic Board.
Quality and Standards Committee is responsible for ensuring that the LPA’s quality assurance systems meet the expectations of the UK Quality Code, awarding bodies, students and other internal and external stakeholders. The committee reports to the Academic Board.
Student Representatives Committee (SRC) provides a forum in which students can express their views on their learning experience at LPA. The Student Representatives Committee reports to the Academic Board and constitutes Non-Executive Governor.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDC) ensures that LPA complies with the Equality Act 2010 and LPA Equality and Diversity Policy, and to make recommendations as it deems necessary. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee members are the non-Executive member and reports to the Academic Board.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Advisory Group has been established to advise LPA on the type of support required for BAME students throughout the student lifecycle. The group where necessary will advise LPA’s Equality and Diversity Committee which reports to the Academic Board. The members of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Advisory Group are non-Executive Governors who report to the Equality and Diversity Committee.
Career Advice and Support Committee supports Employability and Skills development and its members are also Executive Governors and reports to the Academic Board.
Planning and Resource Committee determines and advises on all matters relating to finance, resources and property. The committee advises the Board of Governors on all aspects including financial risks, policies, controls and strategy. The committee also reviews salary structures of the Principal and SMT. It monitors admissions, marketing and liaison. The members are mostly part of SMT and Executive Governors Group as well and report directly to the Board of Governors.
SMT advises the Principal on strategic decisions relating to the academic conduct and well-being of LPA. Of itself, it has no executive authority except where the members are part of the Executive Governors Group.